Demo-Tryout 30 days
You can tryout RadarOpus for a month for free. The tryout version contains most RadarOpus functions, Modules, Repertories and References (MM) with a few exceptions.
It can be a little overwhelming because you will be able to work with many different languages and options. Start by viewing the Introduction Tutorial Videos. You can also ask for a free 15 min Live training via interent if you want: Use the Contract form, or ask when ordering this item.
Tryout Diamond
- For Mac and Windows
- 12 Symptom clipboards
- 9 Analysis methods
- Symptom intensity (1-10)
- Advanced patient file with patient research (some functions blocked in demo)
- With repertory views/selection of sources
- Personal additions, create new rubrics (Functions blocked in demo)
- Extended families and concepts
- Boenninghausen Pocketbook repertory & polar analysis
- 17 Other Repertory Package
- 1500 MM titles