Gemstone Proving bundle of 12 titles, including P. Tumminello (English)
This is a great bundle of 12 titles, including Peter Tumunello "Twelve Jewels".
- EISING Nuala - Provings of Ignis alcoholis and Succinum,
- EVANS Madeline - Meditative Proving of Amber,
- EVANS Madeline - Meditative Proving of Turquoise,
- GRAY A. - A Homeopathic Proving of Perla Broome (Broome Pearl),
- HUENECKE J-A. - Homeopathic Proving of Lepidolite - A Mica Gemstone,
- MORGAN John - The Proving of Pearl Taken from the Common Mussel,
- ROSS Moya, CAMPBELL Sarah - The Homeopathic and Meditative Proving of Emerald,
- ROSENBAUM P. - Lapis Lazuli, a Proving. A Pathogenesy Developed by the Team of Escola Paulista de Homeopatia,
- ROWE Todd - A Proving of Turquoise
- SCHADDE Anne - Listening to Stone, Wood and Shell,
- LOCKWOOD A. - Clarity and Intoxication, the Proving of Amethyst,
- TUMMINELLO Peter - Twelve Jewels